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About/Personal Success Story

M. Lynne Jacob is the creator of the Trade-Contractors’ Business College, author of “I know you KNOW but you don’t UNDERSTAND” and a “turnaround expert” for Trade-Contractors throughout Canada, the U.S., Europe and Australia.

Lynne’s personal mission is to help struggling Trade-Contractors bring the fun back to their business, increase profitability while spending less time at the office, and create a sustainable lifestyle on their own terms.

The daughter of a blacksmith and the former General Contractor of her own home-building project, Lynne is intimately familiar with the challenges tradespeople and their families face.

MLJ International is responsible for helping hundreds of Trade-Contractors reclaim control of their business, even during recession economies and down industry trends.

Lynne has been interviewed by CKWS TV, CBC Radio One, Y98 and K-Rock.

She has been featured in The Times & Transcript, The Kingston Whig-Standard & Global News.

She was named Member of the Year with the Kingston Home Builders Association.

Interview with K-ROCK Radio:


Social Media image

I help Men and Women in Business (owners/managers) get the FUN back; then smile as Profits Triple!

Would Tripled Profits benefit you … and your family?
Or a Quadrupled Salary, if you’re managing someone else’s company?

LYNNE JACOB helps you get Out-of-This-World Results

Lynne Jacob is an international speaker, Business Advisor, Performance Coach and the world’s leading “butt-kicker” for CEOs and managing directors of start-ups as well as seasoned enterprises throughout Canada, the U.S., Europe and Australia.

Lynne’s worked and lived in Canada, Belgium and Korea. She’s fluent in English and French.

A passionate leader with a strong competency to integrate business functions in an international environment, known for helping her clients find and unlock their untapped layers of potential, set clear strategies and direction.

Lynne’s expertise includes international B-to-B marketing, sales management, route to market, organization building, team development, and driving culture change in various industries and disciplines.

Lynne helps her clients rapidly develop robust strategies and follow through on realistic execution plans, developing businesses into profitable, focused and successful entities.

With Lynne by their side clients have achieved record-breaking results including
– tripling their profits within 5 months,
– vigupling (20x) their business assets in 5 years and
– she’s saved a number of her clients from bankruptcy to turning a profit within 30 days.

She is a master at helping people develop x-ray vision and see through all apparent obstacles including the blocks, barriers and baggage from the impressionable & formative years (0-7 years old).
She will show you what stops you and will help you unleash the strong, fun, confident and sophisticated person in you. She is not for the faint-hearted. She will lovingly KICK YOUR BUTT until you’re powerful, playful and profitable!

About the Book

Struggle in business is often credited to the economy, the state of an industry, employees, customers, and other factors over which no one has control. In fact, you can take charge reclaim the fun and passion you once had, and retire with a well-padded bank account … even if the economy is in the tank and your industry is spiraling out of control.

“Lynne was the turning point in my business. Even with many manufacturing jobs “on hold” we have not had to do any down-sizing and have just landed our biggest job to date.”

Jim Gaffney
Gaffney Electrical Solutions – Mitchell, Ontario

This practical, easy-to-follow workbook is a blueprint for eliminating struggle in your business and achieving your goals while having FUN again.

“Make an Extra $20,000 in Profit by
Eating Lunch Twice Next Week”

FREE Training shows you how to correctly implement our
Key Strategy #6 to boost your profits immediately. And don’t worry –
anyone can do this. It’s simple. And you’ll have fun, too!

After working with Lynne for just 6 months I am already feeling like I am back in control. I have increased the team around me and I have changed my personal role in the business. My investment in your business has been a great investment in mine.
Jim NewtonJim Newton Electric LTD. Lindsay, Ontario