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Our sales are on target this year to double last year’s. I am also taking my first two-week-long summer vacation this year. Once again, Lynne, thank you for all your wonderful help along the way.
Wayne FergusonFerguson ElectricCobourg, Ontario
Finally … a light at the end of the tunnel. I learned plenty of simple ways to take control of my business – immediately!
Michel PortugaiseAll-Teck ElectricOttawa, Ontario
After working with Lynne for just 6 months I am already feeling like I am back in control. I have increased the team around me and I have changed my personal role in the business. My investment in your business has been a great investment in mine.
Jim NewtonJim Newton Electric LTD. Lindsay, Ontario
Lynne was the turning point in my business. Even with many manufacturing jobs “on hold” we have not had to do any down-sizing and have just landed our biggest job to date.
Jim GaffneyGaffney Electrical SolutionsMitchell, Ontario
Since starting the program with Lynne we have increased our vacation time to 3 weeks as well as reducing our workweek to 4 days a week. With the help of MLJ International we have written our 3-year plan which included the purchase of a retirement home within the first year. We now have less stress and a better family life.
Brian and Kathy EadieNorthern Air Climate CareSudbury, Ontario
After working with Lynne for just 6 months I am already feeling like I am back in control. I have increased the team around me and I have changed my personal role in the business. My investment in your business has been a great investment in mine.
Jim NewtonJim Newton Electric LTD.Lindsay, Ontario
Since working with Lynne I now do what I love to do. There is a much more positive atmosphere at work. We are having fun, seeing more profits and we are leading. We have turned our business around 180 degrees.
Sylvio & Josee LeBlancLeBlanc Custom Homes Inc.Moncton, New Brunswick
I find I now have more free time away from the office. My personal goals have become easier to achieve since I no longer feel guilty about dedicating time to having personal goals.
Rick CourtemanchePerras Mechanical Serv. LTD.Brantford, Ontario
I am now taking more time off the tools. I spend more time in my office, have weekends off, feel more rested and am able to enjoy life by working smarter instead of working harder.
Charles MooreCharles Moore ElectricNapanee, Ontario
Before beginning the Trade-Contractors’ Business College I was having trouble with jobs and clients that went sour and I had insufficient cash flow. I was doing too much work and having no fun. The ROI on MLJ Coaching’s services is better than another vehicle-and it costs less than a new one.
Chester MajakMajak ElectricThree Hills, Alberta