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I’m maxed-out working in my business right now. How can I find time to work on my business?

The time you spend working on your business is an investment in your success.

While it may seem like a lot of work in the beginning, it’s an investment that will pay dividends when, as happens regularly with our clients, your 7-day work week becomes a 4-day work-week.

Do you have a guarantee?

Yes. We guarantee 300% return on investment (ROI) when you invest in our 5-Point Business Diagnostic Analysis

Can you work with my employees too?

Yes. See what one of our client’s employees said after working with us in the Trade-Contractors’ Business Intensive…

“Since I have been working with Lynne, I have gained more confidence in myself, which in turn has earned me more responsibilities from my employer.

Lynne has helped me create goals, stick to them and reach them.

I very much like Lynne’s “no excuses” attitude. She helps me be accountable for my actions, or lack of actions so I can see clearly why something didn’t go the way I wanted.

I have grown both personally and professionally with results to prove it in the last 2 years of working with Lynne.”

Nicole Kelly, Office Administrator
Ferguson Electric – Cobourg, Ontario

Why do I need a business advisor to grow my business?

There’s no business owner who is objective enough to see clearly the steps needed to grow his own business without help. An advisor is someone who helps you see those steps clearly, develop systems and strategies to leverage them, and provide accountability for their implementation.

3 months or longer? Why do your programs take so long?

Simply because quick fixes don’t last. In order to stick, changes need to become habit. It takes time to create new habits. Together, we’ll shift you from habits that are sabotaging your success, to ones that create constant new growth.

What if I feel like I’m being forced to do too much each week – to make too many changes?

Our programs help you advance at a pace you can handle while getting the results you want. We won’t require you to do more than you can handle. And … support is available when you get stuck.

What if, after being in a program for a few months, I don’t feel like I’m going anywhere and I feel like it’s just a waste of money? What then?

We encourage you to speak freely with Lynne if you feel, for any reason, your results aren’t meeting your expectations.

How do you conduct one-on-one sessions?

Depending on the program and your willingness to invest, sessions take place via phone or in person. To find out more, give us a call at +1 613-484-3861.

If I work with you, will you tell me how to solve my problems?

We will help you solve your problems. However, we will not simply tell you what to do.  Every business owner works differently. As the business owner, you know best how to run your business and solve its day-to-day challenges. Our job is to help you identify the cause of your problems, implement solutions, and understand how to avoid similar barriers in the future.

Why do you talk so much about having fun?

Because we know from experience that business growth and personal development go hand-in-hand. Without a positive mindset, it is much more difficult to reach your goals. Our programs address both the performance of your business and your personal well-being. The more fun you’re having the more fun you bring into the business every day.  You’re the backbone of your company and if you’ve ever had a sore back then you know how much every other part of you is affected by your back-pain.  If you’re not having much fun, nor are your employees, your bank accounts, your projects, your customers and your family.  When you’re having fun, everybody will have fun … because they’re always following the leader.

After working with Lynne for just 6 months I am already feeling like I am back in control. I have increased the team around me and I have changed my personal role in the business. My investment in your business has been a great investment in mine.
Jim NewtonJim Newton Electric LTD. Lindsay, Ontario