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How to Take Control of Your Business
(And Make It FUN Again)

“The company has never run so smoothly. I no longer feel guilty taking Fridays off. This summer I’ve attended more classic car shows than ever before and this winter I know I’m going to finally work on the classic I have in my garage.”

Gene & Darlene Paradis
Parallel Electric LTD. – Belleville, Ontario



From the coffee-stained desk of: Lynne Jacob
Thursday 12th of September 2024

Hi, Friend

If you’re like most Trade-Contractors, you’re busting your back to earn your nut while missing out on vacations, personal goals, and watching your children play sports.

Look, life doesn’t have to be like that. You can take charge of your business and have the peace-of-mind that comes with having money in the bank and life on your own terms.

Here’s how: My 5-Point Business Diagnostic Assessment gives you a custom blueprint for adding $10k your bottom line while cutting back your workload 10 or more hours per month.

This proven system is based on my 10+ years of experience turning around Trade-Contracting businesses throughout Europe, Canada, Australia, and the U.S.

Like Jim Gaffney from Mitchell, Ontario …

“Lynne was the turning point in my business. Even with many manufacturing jobs ‘on hold’ we have not had to do any down-sizing and have just landed our biggest job to date.”

Here’s the bottom line: I’ve discovered 5 factors that predict whether your business is going to eventually run you into the ground.

1)    Design

  • Do you have a solid 3-year business plan?
  • Do you have a clear vision of your ideal lifestyle?
  • Do you have a long-term exit strategy for your business?

2)    Plan

  • How do you use your time?
  • Are you focusing on money-making activities… or are you still working on the tools?
  • How effective are your current staffing resources?

3)    Build

  • Do you currently have systems in place to streamline your most critical business functions?
  • Do your employees truly support your goals… or are they silently sabotaging your growth?
    (Employees? A necessary evil? Click here for Free Training.)
  • Does your current infrastructure support further growth… or stifle it?

4)    Expand

  • The easiest money comes from the diamonds already in your back yard. Are you mining them?
  • Are you plugged-in to people who consistently send you high quality referrals?
  • Are you managing your assets to support your financial goals?

5)    Leverage

  • Is your current business model sustainable for the next 5 years?
  • Is your business sellable?
  • Are you maximizing your financial resources?

How do you think you did?

If you said “not good” or aren’t sure, this Assessment is for you.

I created the 5-Point Business Diagnostic Assessment to help you identify the real issues that are holding you back from having the business you want.

More income … less work … and having FUN again.

Here’s how it works: I’ll send you a questionnaire to complete based on your current challenges and goals. Once I receive your questionnaire, we’ll book a 45-minute call to help you identify exactly what’s holding you back.

During the call I’m going to ask you even more questions, to help me identify if you’re missing opportunities that would give you an extra $10K and an extra 10 hours off each month.  Simple as that!

If I find the extra income and extra time off, I’ll tell you where it is.  If I don’t see it, I’ll tell you that, too … but that’s highly unlikely.  Either way, I guarantee that if you simply follow through on the ideas that come up during our conversation you will receive at least a 300% return on your investment.

Your investment is just $797 plus 15% Harmonized Sales Tax.

Call +1 613-484-3861 now and get started down the road to bigger profits, lifestyle freedom, and complete peace of mind.

Talk to you soon,


M. Lynne Jacob
Business Advisor & Founder of MLJ International

P.S. Here’s what other Trade-Contractors are saying:

Lynne was the turning point in my business. Even with many manufacturing jobs “on hold” we have not had to do any down-sizing and have just landed our biggest job to date.
Jim GaffneyGaffney Electrical SolutionsMitchell, Ontario