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Trade-Contractors’ DIY Business Training

Taking Charge of Your Business Is Easy
When You Understand
The 7 Simple Strategies for Success

“Thanks Lynne! We just hired employee number three!
This is fun, and somewhat scary … but mostly fun. In general I am definitely having more fun at work.
I have now hired highly-skilled workers. They’re not necessarily knowledgeable in cabinetry, but very teachable and with excellent hard-work attitudes. As well, my work scope is becoming broader in taking on larger projects with many trades.
When I hired on my first employee he had a six-month exit strategy of going into real estate full-time. After my sharing parts of my 3-year vision he stopped doing real estate all together and is “all in” and feeling part of the team.
I am working now on delegating as much as possible with thorough training, and focusing on quality, selling, training, and more selling.
Lynne, this is exciting! I’m a bit behind on my reading of your book, but am applying what I have soaked up this far and it is great. Thanks again.”

Scott Bagley
Talent Craftsman LLC

From the coffee-stained desk of: Lynne Jacob
Thursday 12th of September 2024

Hi, Friend

If you’re struggling in your business or considering throwing in the towel altogether, this is an important and timely message for you.

You see, over the past 20+ years I’ve turned around hundreds (if not 1,000s) of Trade-Contracting companies. And in that time, I’ve discovered 7 simple strategies that lead to success.

Now, you can do a turnaround on YOUR business in as little as 7 weeks.

Imagine 7 weeks from now, raking in higher profits … working less … having time for your own personal goals without feeling guilty. In short … having FUN again!

Here are the 7 strategies:

  1. Design Your Creation: Construct a Compelling 3-Year Vision You can’t get where you’re going until you know where you are. This strategy helps you get crystal clear on where you’re going with goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, rewarding and timely.
  2. Map-Out the Route: Plan Time to Plan Business Development and Honour It! Implementation is one of the biggest challenges for small business owners. Discover how to get the right stuff done to grow your business without having to worry about the minutia of other things that don’t grow your business.
  3. Follow Through on Your Ideas: Understand What TRULY Stops You Mike Tyson once said, “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” Discover what stops you from achieving your goals and murder this demon.
  4. Tame The Cash-Flow Beast: Get Out of Fear of DEBT Discover how to manage your capital to spark rapid growth in your income.
  5. Find, Hire, Train & Retain Them: Lead an ALL-STAR Team Turn your staff into a full-service support system that allow you to be away from the office without worrying about what’s going on when you’re not there. (Employees? A necessary evil? Click here for Free Training.)
  6. Get Referrals from Impressed Clientele: Help Your Customers Market Your Services for You Bone up on these powerful tactics and new customers will be coming to you in droves.  (Get Free Training showing you How to earn an extra $20,000 in profit simply by having lunch twice next week!)
  7. GET A LIFE (Outside of The Business): Love What You Do. Do What You Love. Never again find yourself having to say you’re sorry for not being there. When you become a master at prioritizing your activities, you’ll balance business and family time with ease.

This training includes:

  • A workbook with simple, powerful exercises for each of Lynne’s 7 success strategies
  • Downloadable audio training to show you exactly how to apply each strategy to your business, which include a Q&A section for each training seminar with real clients. This means you’ll hear business owners just like you sharing their challenges and getting help applying these strategies to overcome them.
  • 2 private coaching sessions with Lynne; 1 shortly after you receive the program to help you create your “destination” — the goals you want to reach by following the training; and the 2nd one within 3 months of the 1st coaching session, giving you ample time to study the program + follow through on the training.

Your investment is just $1997.

Call +1 613-484-3861 and get started on the road to substantially higher profits, more time off, and more FUN in your business!

Talk to you soon,


M. Lynne Jacob, Founder of MLJ International

P.S. Here’s what my clients are saying:

Our sales are on target this year to double last year’s. I am also taking my first two-week-long summer vacation this year. Once again, Lynne, thank you for all your wonderful help along the way.
Wayne FergusonFerguson ElectricCobourg, Ontario